At the Supermarket

Plastic packaging accounts for nearly half of all plastic waste generated globally

Today, approximately 40 per cent of plastic produced around the world is made to be thrown away. In fact, much of the plastic that comes into our homes is from packaging.

Plastic packaging accounts for nearly half of all plastic waste generated globally and most of it will never be recycled. Just look around the grocery store. Plastic-wrapped foods are common place. Plastic covers breads, dry goods, meat, and even fresh produce. Thankfully, there are many easy ways to cut back on unnecessary plastic packaging around foods and other items.

The average Canadian disposes of 630 grams of plastic each week. That’s the equivalent in weight to 233 ping pong balls!

Get Started

  • Whenever possible, buy in bulk from your local grocery store, bulk foods store or refillery using reusable containers
  • Select products that come in recyclable packaging such as aluminum, glass and paper (as well as more readily recyclable plastics
  • Swap single-use plastic grocery and produce bags for reusable ones made of natural fabrics or recycled plastic
  • Select package-free produce at the supermarket or from your local farmer’s market
  • Choose products that come in low- or no-plastics packaging
  • Avoid products that are over-packaged or use excessive amounts of plastics in their packaging