Personal Care

Looking good doesn't have to come with the plastic price tag

Did you know the average person uses 300 toothbrushes over the course of a lifetime? That’s a lot of plastic!

While the Canadian ban on microbeads has helped reduce a significant amount of problematic plastics in personal care products, many products still contain plastic-based ingredients that go down the drain as we wash our hands and rinse off our makeup.

But looking good doesn’t have to feel bad. By using plastic-free toothpaste, makeup, soap and body wash as well as plastic-alternative toothbrushes and beeswax-based dental floss, you can keep unnecessary plastics out of the bathroom and the environment.

Get started

  • Look for toothpaste and body wash without polyethylene and other plastics
  • Look for makeup without glitter, polyethylene, propylene and other plastics
  • Switch to a biodegradable bamboo, wood or aluminum toothbrush
  • Replace dental floss with beeswax, silk or other compostable alternatives
  • Replace liquid body washes, shampoos and conditioners with environmentally friendly and packaging-free bar options
  • Swap disposable menstrual pads and tampons (the average woman uses 10,000 pads and tampons in her lifetime) with a menstrual cup and reusable cloth pads sold at most organic grocery and health food stores
  • Remember to recycle your plastic soap, body wash, shampoo and conditioner bottles—most of these are recyclable after a quick rinse
  • Consider adding a small container for recycling next to the bathroom garbage can to help keep recycling top of mind